dat describes it..heh n tons n tons n tons of walkin..smpai aku bley terpk nk beli crocs lew katekn..skan slepas 2-3mingu trip, smangt nk beli crocs da smakin pudar..gud tink gak tangoh2 nk shopink ney..bley savink nk kawen (cume doit yg save nk beli croCs da tergune beli marybrwn kot stiap ari)..nyeha..owait wont bore u wif da details..ere's da pixs!

afta bus, nek plak mrt..power kn kami? Lam mrt pon nk takap gamba gakk..lucky i din see nebody rollink their eyes in our direction:p

Dis is my fav pic out of da twip, taken @ siloSo beaCh ;) i duno y..mebe coz evryone is in da pic..or mebe coz in dis pic terserlah kepoyoan masink2..keke..but its cute..n rupenya masink2 dalan hati ade nyimpan keinginan nk mnjadi model..tapi x ksampaian..dats y leyh pose cengini sume..huehue:p
frm left : sepul, me da pwinces, pami, azley, aja, detdet tu detdet gul, adia n esah
okie so dats ol frm our recent SingapoR twip..next twip da pictures wil b prettier kot..seb esah dah hade 'anak' baru..ngehe..nugu die gi kursos doluw den on our next twip..waLaa!:-P
ehehehe..aku xsangka ko leh uplod pic yg 1st skali tu...almaklum jelar gmbar ko agak2 xready gitu hehehe ntahpape ntah..org len sume elok jek ko jek yg slack sket hehehe..jgn marah babe..
ReplyDeleteyuhUuu welkem2! yeah next trip da picture will be more great n nicE hope so heheehe... next trip aku nk pakai baju merah ker or oren or kuning kasi aku menyerlah skit hehe
ReplyDeletejgn taruk gmbr tragedy..ok..
ReplyDeleteabaikan sepul..letak aje gmbr tuh..ahaha